New e-Learning Course on Ageism

New e-Learning Course on Ageism

Ageism (i.e., stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination based on an individual’s age) has serious outcomes, for example on mental health. One strategy to reduce ageism are educational interventions, such as e-learning…

Design Thinking for Learners 60+

Design Thinking for Learners 60+

Design Thinking is a widely used way of thinking to solve problems. We have offered learners 60+ an e-learning course on this. Read here what Design Thinking is, what potential we see and what we know so far about the benefits for learners 60+.

Ageism: the longevity thief

Ageism: the longevity thief

Today, we live in a society in which being old and the old age phase of life are predominantly a stigma – a state that should be avoided. Negative images…

Interview with Dr. Burcu Demiray in UZH Magazin

Interview with Dr. Burcu Demiray in UZH Magazin

Please see Dr. Burcu Demiray’s interview with the UZH Magazin on lifelong learning and healthy cognitive aging (page 41). The interview is part of a rich dossier “Gesund älter werden“,…

Two Book Recommendations on Longevity

Two Book Recommendations on Longevity

Here you will find two book recommendations on the topic of longevity and age(ing), excitingly written and reflected in the context of urgent social changes, the economy, and the labor market.…

The Rise of Olderpreneurship

The Rise of Olderpreneurship

The Rise of Olderpreneurship More and more successful companies are being founded by older people. So-called Senior Entrepreneurs benefit from their life experience and resources. Read more about this highly…