In September, a highlight of our Erasmus+60 project took place. A team from Zurich traveled to Split for the Learning, Teaching and Training Week to develop e-learning courses together with…
Please see Dr. Burcu Demiray’s interview with the UZH Magazin on lifelong learning and healthy cognitive aging (page 41). The interview is part of a rich dossier “Gesund älter werden“,…
Here you will find two book recommendations on the topic of longevity and age(ing), excitingly written and reflected in the context of urgent social changes, the economy, and the labor market.…
The Rise of Olderpreneurship More and more successful companies are being founded by older people. So-called Senior Entrepreneurs benefit from their life experience and resources. Read more about this highly…
The Four Key Benefits of Lifelong Learning Lifelong learning has many benefits to individuals including employability, health, and wellbeing and to society in terms of social prosperity, and civic participation…
“As the population ages, many people in their 60s and beyond are refusing to conform to old age stereotypes. Is our view of old age about to change?” Read more…
„A self-determined life in old age? What is old age? And, is longevity a desirable goal?” In an interview, Swiss Life looked at these and other questions with Prof. Dr.…
UZH News published an article discussing the initial findings of a long-term study about the neuropsychological benefits of good education and lifelong learning. Click here to read the whole article.
UZH News publishes an interview with gerontologist and professor of gerontology Mike Martin about the educational needs of Swiss people aged 60 to 90. Click here to go directly to…
“Across the world we are experiencing an ageing population, leading to growing concern regarding the costs of pensions, health and social care. However, longevity is about more than just end of life…