E-learning courses from our EU project

We have reached another milestone in our Erasmus+60 project: over the course of this year 2024, we will be able to share seven English-language e-learning courses on various topics, e.g., “Cultural Diversity”, “Permacultural Gardening” or courses with practical sports exercises on our e-learning platform free of charge.

Available Free of Charge!

Our contribution:
«An Introduction to Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence»

After a lot of research and groundwork, our contribution to the Erasmus+60 project is finished! The e-learning course presents basic knowledge about digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our society is changing at an unprecedented speed due to digitalization and AI. The aim of this English-language e-learning course is to promote a well-founded, critical examination of concepts and changes. Learners will develop skills to navigate our changing world and to contribute to important, complex discussions. The course will use everyday examples to illustrate concepts and critically reflect on phenomena. Learners will be guided and encouraged to try out and evaluate tools such as ChatGPT for themselves.

The e-learning course is available free of charge on our e-learning platform www.wise-learn.com. Click on the button below to register.

Overview of all courses

  • An introduction to digitalization and artificial intelligence (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Centrality of critical thinking in lifelong learning (University of Latvia)
  • Cultural diversity: similarities and differences (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
  • Permacultural gardening (Mendel University, Czech Republic)
  • Promoting active aging and well-being through physical activity (University of Split, Croatia)
  • Promoting healthy aging through practical exercises (University of Porto, Portugal)
  • Travel literature and health tourism (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France)