Swiss Charta Education 65+: Lifelong learning strengthens!
We have joined the alliance around the “Swiss Charta Education 65+” and are keen to set an example. This initiative is of crucial importance as it promotes lifelong learning and enables older people to remain active and mentally fit. Research shows time and again that education has no age limit and that learners benefit from it well into old age. Everyone should have the opportunity to learn and grow.
The Swiss Education Report 65+ of 2023 clearly shows that there are too few opportunities for learners 65+ and that lifelong learning in old age is still of little relevance in terms of education policy. For this reason, an “Education 65+” alliance has been formed by four stakeholders who have jointly developed the “Charta Education 65+” policy paper.

These are the six most important statements:
- Education promotes community and well-being
- Joy promotes learning.
- Learning needs a variety of opportunities.
- Participation requires accessibility and quality.
- Impact requires research.
- Learning in old age requires supportive framework conditions.
The aim is to use the Charta to raise awareness and address political decision-makers. By joining the Alliance, we hope to set an example, strengthen the Alliance and encourage others to join. Together we can build a community that supports and promotes learning at any age.

You can download the “Charta Education 65+” here:
Seifert, A., Martin, M., Lanarés, J., Schärer, H.‑R., & Knüsel, P. (2023). Schweizer Bildungsbericht 65+ 2023.
VSV AUPS (2024). Schweizerische Charta Bildung 65+.
The images used are from and are screenshots from “Charta Education 65+”.