Our New Project: Let’s End Ageism Together

WiseLearn Plattform/ February 7, 2024

Ageism is the umbrella term for stereotyping (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others or ourselves based on age. Although ageism is the most commonly encountered form of discrimination across Europe, there are few research-based or structured campaigns to raise awareness and prevent it, including in Switzerland.

We want to change this with the following measures:

  • Provide information about ageism for all on a website and through an e-learning training program,
  • Build community with people from different backgrounds, promote intergenerational exchange and give a voice to those affected by ageism in everyday life,
  • Conduct research on ageism using real data and modern methods of analysis,
  • Submit recommendations to politicians.
Image by cookie_studio on Freepik

The project is hosted at the Healthy Longevity Center (UZH), partially funded by Walder Foundation as well as the Schwyzer-Winiker Foundation and supported by the Citizen Science Center Zurich. In order to maximize the impact and success of our campaign, we are focusing on participatory design. So if you, as a Swiss citizen, are interested in participating (e.g. designing the project platform and the e-learning training program), please get in touch with us at info@wise-learn.com!