Presentation of our studies at the Seniors University

Presentation of our studies at the Seniors University

Many members of the Seniors University of Zurich (UZH3) follow with interest which research projects are existing at the University of Zurich and other institutions with regard to their age…

SEIF Impact Academy

SEIF Impact Academy

Dr. Burcu Demiray starts an entrepreneurship program for social impact businesses at the Impact Academy of SEIF. SEIF supports founders with start-ups such as WiseLearn which aim to solve “our…

Two Book Recommendations on Longevity

Two Book Recommendations on Longevity

Here you will find two book recommendations on the topic of longevity and age(ing), excitingly written and reflected in the context of urgent social changes, the economy, and the labor market.…

The Rise of Olderpreneurship

The Rise of Olderpreneurship

The Rise of Olderpreneurship More and more successful companies are being founded by older people. So-called Senior Entrepreneurs benefit from their life experience and resources. Read more about this highly…

New Look for the WiseLearn Platform

New Look for the WiseLearn Platform

The WiseLearn platform for the Seniors University of Zurich and Lucerne has a new look! With the new and further developed version of the start page of the online learning…

The Advantages of Lifelong Learning

The Advantages of Lifelong Learning

The Four Key Benefits of Lifelong Learning Lifelong learning has many benefits to individuals including employability, health, and wellbeing and to society in terms of social prosperity, and civic participation…

Workshop at the Seniors Café

Workshop at the Seniors Café

The WiseLearn team visited the Seniorencafé Rotkreuz and held a workshop on e-learning with some seniors. We presented our different research projects. The participants had the opportunity to try out our…

Re-imagining age stereotypes

Re-imagining age stereotypes

“As the population ages, many people in their 60s and beyond are refusing to conform to old age stereotypes. Is our view of old age about to change?” Read more…

Founding of Healthy Longevity Center Zurich

Founding of Healthy Longevity Center Zurich

The Healthy Longevity Center (HLC) Zurich has been newly founded. It is a center for research and innovation in healthy longevity. The overarching goal of research and innovation in healthy…