E-Learning Course “Understanding Digitalization”
Digitalization is on everyone’s lips. However, the term is dazzling and is not always understood. In this course, you will learn what digitalization means and how it is changing our lives using materials created by experts. Furthermore, you will be able to acquire basic digital skills yourself.
These e-learning courses are developed in collaboration with renowned experts of the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich.
You can work through the e-learning courses at your own pace. Three courses are currently available. More are in production and will be made available soon.
- Data and information: introduction to basic concepts; data management and integration
- Digital society: internet and online media, social and ethical aspects of digitalization, data protection
- Introduction to Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence: basic knowledge about digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Digital learning: organizing, sharing and reusing data; digital collaboration and publishing digital content (–> coming soon)